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Adrienna Mak.

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, January 15, 2009

(its story telling time..........more so for myself because I think by putting them down here,I will never forget...but i'd love to share it with those of my friends who are interested.haha...if you're not then come back next time =) )

I think the digital camera only became popular back in the year 2004.
that explains why I didn't have many pictures of my time in school..
but better a few than none at all.

so first up,my cheer days.
I first joined Dynamitez in the middle of form 4.
went to Genting for my first cheer performance and later on had my first cheer competition in Sungei wang (cheer for Merdeka).
After that we were all focused on the Cheer 2004 competition.
practiced for about 7 months.
turned almost as black as charcoal due to our long hours of practice under the hot sun,and
as the day of the competition approached,we skipped most of our classes and practiced almost everyday from 8 am to 5 pm and sometimes even after dinner..i miss the torture...
However,one of our flyers badly injured her knee a day before the big day and we decided not to replace her but instead had her do the simpler stunts. (she had an operation after our competition and the doctors never allowed her to cheer anymore)
one of our stunts fell at the very end and we had to settle for 2nd place..
although we were sad and disappointed we knew we did the best we could.

once while we were at practice at the park just outside our school,we got robbed by a guy with a huge parang..
he shouted profanities at us as though we were the ones robbing him..pfft
and my ex captain Yee Ming tried to fight him and he almost slashed felt like we were watching matrix and we were all too shocked to do anything.we just kept screaming for help after he rode off on a motorbike with his accomplice.
yeap,we never practiced there again.lotsa things were lost and lots of tears where shed that day(most of them just got their new hp's u see),
i still remember one of my friends shouting at the guy to bring back her jeans and wasn't a laughing matter at that time though.

then I joined Charm after i was out from school.
stopped after a few months because I had some distractions and joined them back again about a year later.
Went with Charm to Singapore for the 2005 Chingay Parade.
my first competition with Charm - SCP 2006 at Sri Kembangan
then went down to Johor for cheer clinic (2006) and a few performances.
performed for cheer 2006..the most tiring routine ever..haha..
cheered till the end of 2006 and then i decided ok maybe i should take a break again.
then a year and a half later, I rejoined Charm once more...
only lasted a month though because as much as I love and miss cheerleading..
I think i'm not up for it anymore...
firstly,I do not like flying(really afraid of heights) and these days every girl has to fly..
and recently, i'm very prone to i twisted my ankle while dismounting..wowwwww,amazing..dont even know till today how that is possible..
and after a few splits i think i tore my thigh muscles,ok maybe sprained them..whatever it may be,it hurts whenever i stretch..sigh..
so i guess i'm better off coaching now..haha..but I think my cert is expiring soon...gahhh..

and here are some random after form 5 pictures in no specific order

we were going for a movie at gsc 1u..

my Mufy mates...just recently graduated from Mufy (SUC)

Taman Negara

Lang Tegah

i think it was Ashley, Jun Chin and someone elses bday party at Eastin hotel(care to remind me Sal?,if you remember)

Faisal's 18th birthday at Hard Rock,KL...most of us were going through some horrible phase of life at that time..rite sal??hahahaha...will not elaborate

Fabians 21st bday at some restaurant

at Shereton,KL having our very expensive rip-off dinner... hahaha.we thought we could get a 40% discount off the bill but they said it was only for two people or something like that and the rest had to pay the original price..thank goodness Cheryl and i shared a bowl of pasta..
caused us rm 60 i think..and the portion, not even enough for one.

Having Yong tao foo at Segambut!

this i remember clearly..we were getting ready for a haloween party at Zouk(2005)

the countless times we had to say good bye to our beloved friends who go off to a foreign far away country to do what they need to do to become successful in life.
only get to see them 2 to 3 months a year...and they all come back at different times..when will we be one big happy friendly family again?sigh..miss everyone of you all!

Recent photo of a few of us at Swensens..

HaHAha..we were so young then! christmas,2004

while working at Camp 5, 1u(at the cafe) ...
there was once where we worked from 7 30 am till 3 am for some event..
no kidding...haha..

and finally,
the story of my school days...
can't get enough of it and will always be talking about it..
proud to be a Djian and miss being one.
but if you're not from Dj let me just tell you a little about the way we lived our lives in school..hahaha...

I guess we were very competitive people,
to do better in the things we did and also in the way we's not exactly a bad thing but it isn't exactly a good thing either..haha..
we were like a community of people living in our own world and trying our very best to keep up with each other..gotta admit,at times it gets really stressful

i don't know if its like this in other schools but in DJ,
the girls usually buy their uniforms from professor just because the colour looks better and some or most even bring it to the tailor to have it altered so that it has a better fit..haha

the paper bags that were use to put our PJK clothes in must be nice either you bring paper bags from Mng, Guess,Zara etc. or you just buy yourself one..(the pretty ones you can find at bookshops)..and after all that trouble, you don't change during PJK because most of them don't like to get dirty and sticky..hahaha..

your water bottle must either be the one with the brand Sigg( the metal one) or any other cute small and slim metal bottle..

well there are many more small and petty stuff which I can't really remember but the most prominent DJ trademark is the bags we carry, and how they are carried.
It must be worn high,the top part of the bag must be just below the neck...if only i could get a picture of it..but really everywhere u turn you see people carrying it that way.
the bags - either and eastpak or an outdoor but you do occasionally see some people with body pac's as well..
the mini eastpak

in all honesty, we shouldn't succumb ourselves to peer pressure and should just be comfortable with ourselves and just be who we really are.We were young and immature and thought that these were the things that determined where we belonged..i suppose you can say that we were innocently silly?haha..atleast we have something to talk and laugh about now that were all over with the drama of being a high school kid.

Form 5 Cengal

its what you have in your heart that matters.