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Adrienna Mak.

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
peace by piece

i need me some of these

woke up at 2 am this morning to study for my nutrition test

An eccentric boy came on the bus today. He wore tiny colourful boxers which accentuated his legs, wore huge white(if not mistaken) plastic framed glasses and had on a ginormous headset. He kinda gave me the borat mix hippy mix indie vibe.

Had an oral presentation in uni. It was by far my most horrific presentation ever ever. Embarrassed at myself I truly was and yes, I did hope that the floor would open and swallow me whole. I stood up there not knowing anything about my own topic, mumbled jargon and spoke jibberish. Every word and sentence was all over the place. Still in disbelief that I actually did that to myself. Never in my life will I ever let this happen again. argh.....

Had 3 hours of lab class after that and then had to go sit for my nutrition test. I couldn't answer half of my subjective questions and was yet again disappointed at myself. AHHHHHHHHHHH...horribleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Came home and had a bowl of milo cereal with milk

and now am about to take a long hot shower and then sleep my night away

What a long day it has been

Tomorrow, tomorrow I love you tomorrow, you're only a day away